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Flowers for today ?

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Presents for everyone!

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Joyful bouquet

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Impression bouquet

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Field bouquet

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Fairy's Bouquet


The online flower shop recommends!

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Love is full of surprises

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Love story bouquet

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Two hearts bouquet

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Red roses in a black box


Flowers for Gift

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Strawberries in chocol...

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A memory of a sunny su...

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Basket at Tiffany's

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Fullness of Joy


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How do we deliver?

As the largest florist network in the country, we can guarantee the same price of the selected product regardless of the place of delivery. From the sea to the Tatra Mountains - Poczta Kwiatowa® guarantees the fastest flower delivery in just 3 hours!

Poczta Kwiatowa® helps every day to express feelings to hundreds of people in Poland and in the world, remembering that each of these moments would be personal and unforgettable.

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Reviews see more

Profesjonalnie i piękne produkty
22.01.2025 r. Krystyna S.
Very good and timely service
23.01.2025 r. Bozena i Andzrej W.
Jedyne co bym zmieniła to lepsze przykładanie się do estetyki notatek do kwiatów , dla niektórych to pamiątka na całe życie , jeśli pisze się notatkę po angielsku warto sprawdzić co piszemy z wielkiej litery :)))
18.03.2025 r. Marta L.
Przesylka byla dla mnie wielkim, ale bardzo milym zaskoczeniem, Bardzo Pastwu dziekuje.
22.02.2025 r. Irena S.

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Poczta Kwiatowa ® - Flowers for every occasion! Send flowers for Valentine Day, Easter, Women’s Day, Mother’s Day, Grandparents Day. Celebrate these extraordinary days on a grand scale! If you would like to order cut flowers: roses, orchids, tulips, margaritas or a composition of flowers in a basket you could be absolutely sure about top flowers quality which is offered exclusively by Poczta Kwiatowa®. Distance does not matter. Thanks to us the distance which separates the addressee and recipient is no longer an obstacle. Send flowers online to the end of the world, enclose wishes in an elegant note. The Internet florist will make sure that your recipient will feel your presence

Name-days, birthdays. Flowers are the best gift for a jubilarian and a birthday boy. Flowers delivered by our Courier will make that day unforgettable and help in celebrating life’s most meaningful moments. Present your relatives with flowers to make their feast more attractive, our online florist will take care of recipient’s satisfaction. Send flowers – send memories! Wedding is the most important day in newly-weds life! Take care of those unforgettable moments scenery. Poczta Kwiatowa ® will deliver wedding flowers and congratulatory flowers to any place in Poland at a chosen hour!

The whole Poland trusted us. Poczta Kwiatowa ® is the largest wire service which delivers flowers into Poland. We cooperate entirely with the best florists in our country. A partnership florist in each district town guarantees that your flowers will be always delivered fresh and on time. Poczta Kwiatowa ® is the best choice to order flowers online. While sending flowers and presents with our company you could be absolutely sure that you are being served in keeping with rigorous top standards for which Poczta Kwiatowa® has gained numerous prestigious awards.

Not only flowers! In a variety of Poczta Kwiatowa® offer can also be found gifts of good taste, gourmet gift basket and a wide range of small adds such as mascots, wines and gourmet products. Send a gift or flowers with a present. Allow your loved ones to indulge in luxury. Send funeral flowers, wreaths or sympathy flowers. Our internet florist will, on Your behalf, deliver a wreath to the cemetery or sympathy flowers to your relatives’ house.

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