For a friend

Do you ask yourself what flowers are suitable for for friend from work for apology? Now you don't have to look somewhere far away, because Poczta Kwiatowa® have created a number of proposals for such occasions! Flowers of different colours and sizes are one of many compositions, which certainly will be ideal gift.

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Sunny bouquet

Gerbery, róże i lilie w bajecznym bukiecie to propozycja dla tych, którzy chcą wyrazić najpiękniejsze uczucia - podziękować, pogratulować, lub po prostu powiedzieć "tęsknię". Zamów te kwiaty na telefon i spraw, aby serce adresata s...
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Splendor bouquet

Let the splendor and good luck stay with the addressee thanks to the lovely flowers. Charming tea roses can be the right form of wishing somebody good luck. We recommend this bouquet especially as a present for someone's 18th Birthday.
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Gleam flowers

You have no idea what to buy for the present? Wanna express your feelings in the most beautiful way? We can help you! Orderings those lovely flowers with cute teddy bear, which composses perfectly with bouquet, you will shorten distance between you, a...
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Flowers - 7 roses

Surprise your relatives today and give them an unforgettable experience. Order a bouquet with roses wrapped in gerbera leaves is an unforgettable composition that rubs the trail to every heart, and the face are always has a big and warm smile. Order fl...
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Flowers- colourful tulips

Tulipany to radosne, wiosenne kwiaty, które z pewnością wywołają uśmiech na twarzy ukochanej osoby, nawet w pochmurny dzień. Kwiaty - kolorowe tulipany to idealny upominek dla kogoś, kto potrzebuje codziennej dawki motywacji i poprawy humoru. Przyczyń...
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Pastel composition

"Masz gust! Najlepsze rozwiązania to te najprostsze! Oto klasyczna kompozcja z pięknym wazonem, a w nim piękne różowe róże z prostym przybraniem... czy potrzeba czegoś więcej, aby wyrazić szczere emocje? Z nami kwiaty przez Internet to droga wiodąca pr...
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Rainbow tulips

Bukiet kwiatów Tulipanowa Tęcza to kompozycja składająca się 25 kolorowych tulipanów, które przyozdobione są dekoracyjną zielenią oraz przeuroczą gipsówką. Takie połączenie to doskonałe rozwiązanie, gdy potrzebujesz romantycznego bukietu, który sprawdz...
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Thank you for being

Czasem trzeba powiedzieć spontaniczne "Dziękuję, że jesteś". Jest to prezent, który Twoja Ukochana z pewnością doceni! Która kobieta nie lubi dostawać bukietu róż z rozpływającymi się w ustach czekoladkami? My takiej nie znamy! :) Dziękuję że jesteś t...
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Pink and white bouquet

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Precious time

The elegant composition "Magiczny czas" is one of the new proposals of Poczta Kwiatowa. A bouquet in warm colors, hand-made by our florists from lilies, tulips, carnation and gypsum flower- tied with rattan and complemented with decorative greenery. In...
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Like it

Like in the song "That's the way I like it" - a composition of flowers in a way that everyone will like - colorful, radiant, fragrant, and at the same time not being combined. Apparently, the most persistent we remember the colors and smells - by sendi...
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Pink tulips bouquet

Send flowers that the beautiful sex has given special praise. Surprise your sweetheart. We guarantee that a bouquet of 9 pink tulips is a delightful gift for every woman. It can be delivered to any address in Poland, to the workplace, introduce a warm ...
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Pink roses in a pink box

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Bouquet pinktober

October is a global month dedicated to raising awareness about the prevention and treatment of breast cancer – the so-called Pinktober. Poczta Kwiatowa® has introduced a pastel mixed flower arrangement in different shades of roses (bishops, cyclamen, ...
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Pink carnations in a b...

Pink is a color of joy and optimism. Black is a symbol of confidence and mystery. Fusion of these two colors is a mix full of energy and deep beauty. Delimaro™ Flowerbox - pink carnations in a black box are perfect gift for happy and confiden...
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Red carnations in a bl...

Flowers in a box is a great way to give flowers to a loved one. White flowers don’t mean only purity but also joy and wisdom. However, above all, they are an expression of respect for the gifted person. Delimaro ™ flowerbox - white carn...
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Bouquet of 11 tulips f...

Tulipany to piękne wiosenne kwiaty, które kojarzone są z radością, świeżością i dobrą nowiną. Bukiet tulipanów z pewnością wywoła uśmiech na twarzy obdarowanej osoby. Poczta Kwiatowa® stworzyła wspaniały bukiet nie tylko dla kobiet. Różowe tulipany ...
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Amber Bouquet

Tulips are unique spring flowers that delight with their appearance, beautiful color and durability. A bouquet of orange tulips with the addition of a red plaster will certainly enchant the recipient. Poczta Kwiatowa® has created for all women - Bouque...
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Bouquet of rays

A hot heart? Bouquet Promyki is the perfect composition for you. Red and yellow tulips create an amazing combination. Some are a sign of love, joy and passion, while the other is a symbol of the sun, warmth and freshness. Give a loved one a beautiful b...
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Apollonia's bouquet

Spraw swoim bliskim miłą i piękną niespodziankę wysyłając Bukiet Apollonia. Ta ciepła i jasna kompozycja sprawi, że dzień stanie się wyjątkowym a obdarowana osoba poczuje się niezwykle wyróżniona i doceniona.
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Pastel bouquet with pe...

Lowest price in the last 30 days: £248. 00 Giving flowers to loved ones is a beautiful gesture and a pleasant surprise. Knowing this, Flower Mail® has created an unusual composition of fresh carnations, marguerites, roses and matching floral garnish...
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Love Story bouquet wit...

Lowest price in the last 30 days: £248. 00 No idea how to show affection to a loved one? Do you want to say "I love" in a unique way ? Poczta Kwiatowa® offers flower delivery to any place in Poland. What's more, it suggests expressing feelings with...
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Red roses in a black b...

The pronunciation of red roses is well-known: they signify passion, desire and that something that is hard to put into words. . . something more than just affection, something as beautiful and delicate as the flowers themselves. And just like flowers, ...

For friend

Everybody have those special friends in theirs life. They are not only people we know, but also people we trust the most. They love us no matter what and they always support us with every decision. Thay also show us what real relationship feels like.It is not easy to emphasize their value and importance, but Poczta Kwiatowa® proves that it is possible.

Flowers for friend from work

Preparing their offer, they also remembered about these important relations for us. Each of the introduced flowers for friend from work or for apology contains not only great beauty and harmony but also uniqueness and great importance.They are an extraordinary reflection of our relationship with friends, which will surely bring surprise and joy.

Reviews see more

Order was okay
30.11.2022 r. Anna
A nice and aesthetically arranged and packaged bouquet. Nice shipment and courier.
24.11.2022 r. Noah
Easy, reliable and very good value for the money spent
10.11.2022 r. Paolo
Awesome! This was my first time buying from U.S , i sent flowers and a nice teddy bear to my GF, She was...
10.11.2022 r. Sandy