Gifts for Women's Day

Send a gift. Send a smile. Send memories. Let everyone knows that today is Women's Day!

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Set for Women's Day

Give a loved one, a unique Valentine's Set that combines elegance, sweetness and romance.
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Love set

Give your loved one a unique gift that will light the heart and sweeten the special moments. The Love Kit is a carefully selected composition of the highest quality sweetness and aromatic tea, packed in an elegant wooden box that adds an exclusive char...
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Paradise for the senses

Treat yourself or a loved one to a moment of real pleasure with the Paradise for the Senses set, a unique gift full of aromatic, sweet and sophisticated flavours. It's a composition for connoisseurs of good chocolate, wine and tea.
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Drop of pleasure

Give your loved one a moment of true pleasure! The Pleasure Drop is a unique set enclosed in a stylish wooden box, combining sophisticated flavors of chocolate, delicate gingerbread and sparkling wine. It's the perfect gift for any special occasion.
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Rose set

Give your loved one a unique gift inspired by the delicacy of roses and the sweetness of the finest treats. The Rose Set is a composition of exquisite chocolates, cookies and gingerbread, enclosed in an elegant wooden box that adds a unique character t...
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Three flavours

Give a unique gift that combines three excellent flavours in an elegant basket. The Three Flavours are a harmonious combination of sweets, aromatic tea and sophisticated truffles - the perfect gift for connoisseurs of good taste.
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Basket at Tiffany's

Immerse yourself in the atmosphere of class and refined taste like the heroine of the cult movie Breakfast at Tiffany's. Breakfast at Tiffany's is a set full of exquisite sweets and aromatic drinks that will transport you into the world of luxury. It i...
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Heart in the basket

Serce dla Mamy to zestaw stworzony z myślą o wyjątkowej kobiecie, jaką jest mama. W eleganckim koszyku kryje się kilka delikatnych skarbów kulinarnych, które zapewnią niezapomnianą ucztę dla zmysłów: Wiśnie w czekoladzie Delimaro - harmonijne połącz...
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Colorful dreams

Discover the unique Colorful Dreams candy set, enclosed in a wooden box. It's a curated composition of aromatic and exquisite treats that will delight every palate.
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Sweetness of feeling w...

Give your loved one a unique gift that combines the delicacy of sweetness and the sophistication of a sparkling wine. The sweetness of Prosecco is the perfect set for romantic moments, anniversaries, Valentine's Day or other special occasions.
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Little Big Love

Mała Wielka Miłość to niezwykły prezent, który kryje w sobie aromaty i smaki stworzone specjalnie dla tych, którzy cenią najdrobniejsze chwile miłości. Ten uroczy zestaw w koszyku obdarowuje nie tylko wyjątkowymi smakołykami, ale również ukazuje, jak n...
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I Love You

Express your feelings in the sweetest way with this unique I Love You set. Carefully selected treats and an adorable teddy bear will make this gift delight any giftee.
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Big LED Bear

Give a unique gift that will brighten up every moment! The Large LED Bear is an adorable gift that shines with a soft, pleasant light. It holds a heart in its arms, making it the perfect symbol of tenderness and love.
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Sweetness of feeling

Give your loved one a moment of true pleasure with this elegant Sweetness of feeling. It's the perfect composition of delicate pralines, aromatic coffee and delicious cookies that will envelop every special moment with warmth and sweetness.
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Girl Power with a tedd...

Girl Power to nie tylko zestaw prezentowy, ale również manifestacja siły i delikatności, która kryje się w jednym eleganckim pudełku. Ten wyjątkowy zestaw dostarcza niezapomnianych doznań smakowych, równocześnie celebrując siłę kobiecości. W drewnia...
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With you forever

Give your loved one a unique gift that combines delicate sweets, aromatic tea and exquisite wine. With you forever is a basket filled with elegance, taste and tenderness, perfect for Valentine's Day, an anniversary or any occasion when you want to expr...
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Dark and Gold with Red...

Dark and Gold z czerwoną różą to zmysłowe połączenie smaku, elegancji i romantyzmu, które sprawi, że każda chwila stanie się niezwykła i wyjątkowa. Delikatne truskawki, pełne soczystości i słodyczy, zostają połączone w zestawie z wyśmienitymi pralin...
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P.S. I love you

P.S. Kocham Cię to wyjątkowy prezent, który łączy w sobie słodką delikatność i romantyczny przekaz. Umieszczony w eleganckiej drewnianej, zamykanej skrzyneczce, ten zestaw doskonale wyraża uczucia i nadaje się na różne okazje, od rocznic po wyznania mi...
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Straight to the heart

Prosto w Serce to niezwykły zestaw Poczty Kwiatowej® stworzony z myślą o tych, którzy pragną dotrzeć do serca swojej ukochanej osoby za pomocą wyjątkowych smaków i aromatów. Ten urokliwy koszyk skrywa w sobie delikatne i wykwintne smaki, które dosłowni...
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Elegant wine cooler wi...

Are you looking for an elegant and delicious gift? The new proposal from Poczta Kwiatowa® is an elegant wine cooler filled to the brim with delicious pralines. Cooler wine is a bucket-like vessel that is filled with ice to cool a bottle of wine befo...
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Black and White Set

Czarno-biały zestaw na Dzień Matki to połączenie wyrafinowania i smaku, stworzone z myślą o wyjątkowych kobietach, zwłaszcza z okazji Dnia Matki. W eleganckim koszyku kryje się kilka wyjątkowych skarbów, które zapewnią niezapomnianą ucztę: Likier ...
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Strawberries in chocol...

Truskawki w czekoladzie z makaronikami i różową różą to wyrafinowana uczta dla podniebienia i zmysłów, łącząca świeżość owoców, słodycz czekolady, delikatność makaroników i romantyczną różę. Ten ekskluzywny produkt doskonale łączy w sobie smakowe i est...
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Little LED Bear

Give an adorable gift that will light up your heart and interior! The Little LED Bear is an 18cm high gift that gently glows, creating a unique atmosphere. It holds a heart in its hands, symbolising love and tenderness.

Women's Day

Women's Day is very popular in European culture. Already in ancient Rome people were celebrating so-called Matronalia. In the temple of Vesta eternal flame was kindle again and this day was treated as a first day of the year. Husbands gave to their wives beautiful and sophisticated presents. This wonderful tradition in a slightly modified form has been continuing until now. March 8 reminds us who the woman is nowadays. Mother - giver of life, Wife - the guardian of the heart, Daughter - a source of pride, Girlfriend - fountain of infinite happyness.

Gifts for women

Every woman deserves for a special gift. Poczta Kwiatowa® can satisfy our all female customers! Exclusive wine? Original jewellery? Or maybe delicious chocolates or coffee? Our gifts will make Women's Day a very special day!

Reviews see more

Very professional customer service. I would highly recommend.
25.11.2022 r. Carol
The eternal rose is an extraordinary gift and the wine is also excellent
16.11.2022 r. Diana
This is your most beautiful basket! My grandmother was very pleased and surprised.
15.11.2022 r. Kate
delimaro - very good and delicate wine. The whole thing looks very nice
16.09.2022 r. Nikita