
Easter is the most important holiday in a christian's calendar. Present your close ones with flowers and incredible gifts.

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Colourful hyacinths

Make your loved ones smile with our Colourful Hyacinths bouquet! Send best wishes with online flowers from Poczta Kwiatowa®
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A composition with an ...

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Spring joy combination

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Easter eggs composition

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Happy moment composition

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Hallelujah bouquet

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Hyacinth composition

delivery in 2 h

Flowers- colourful tulips

Tulipany to radosne, wiosenne kwiaty, które z pewnością wywołają uśmiech na twarzy ukochanej osoby, nawet w pochmurny dzień. Kwiaty - kolorowe tulipany to idealny upominek dla kogoś, kto potrzebuje codziennej dawki motywacji i poprawy humoru. Przyczyń...
delivery in 3 h

Spring composition

Bring to your loved ones a little bit of Spring! Poczta Kwiatowa® helps you with that by sending a charming primula in a beautiful basket. Delivered basket can be a little different then that on the picture.
delivery in 2 h

Rainbow tulips

Bukiet kwiatów Tulipanowa Tęcza to kompozycja składająca się 25 kolorowych tulipanów, które przyozdobione są dekoracyjną zielenią oraz przeuroczą gipsówką. Takie połączenie to doskonałe rozwiązanie, gdy potrzebujesz romantycznego bukietu, który sprawdz...
delivery in 3 h

Balcony flowers

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Pink and white bouquet

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Holiday elegance

How to connect free time with luxurious? The answer is our composition: holiday ellegance. Order flowers delivery and send best wishes at holidays.
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Basket of miscellaneous

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Three hyacinths compos...

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Provencal Garden

Podaruj bliskim wyjątkowe kwiaty w bajkowej kompozycji w pastelowych kolorach. Zdecyduj się na hiacynty, krokus i tulipany - Kompozycja Ogród Prowansalski wniosie do domu bliskiej osoby powiew wiosny!
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Easter Daffodils

Spring composition "Easter Daffodils" may become a beautiful decoration for every Easter table. The composition of seasonal flowers with a unique smell and optimistic color fit perfectly to welcome the most beautiful time of the year which is spring. T...
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Grape hyacinths for Ea...

Grape hyacinths are flowers that bloom only in the spring. Their polish name - sapphires - they've got from the color of their flowers similar to noble sapphire stones. However their Latin name - Muscari has nothing to do with the appearance and smell ...
delivery in 3 h

Daffodils and Easter Cake

During Easter there is nothing such good as daffodils and typical Easter cake. The unique taste accompanied by yellow spring flowers and subtle decoration create optimistic composition prepared by our florists specially for the occasion of this year's ...
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Daffodils and Easter Cake

During Easter there is nothing such good as daffodils and typical Easter cake. The unique taste accompanied by yellow spring flowers and subtle decoration create optimistic composition prepared by our florists specially for the occasion of this year's ...
delivery in 3 h

A bouquet of cordial t...

Tulips are unique spring flowers that delight with their appearance, beautiful color and durability. A bouquet of orange tulips with the addition of a red plaster will certainly enchant the recipient. Poczta Kwiatowa® has created for all women - Bouque...
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12 yellow roses

By giving gifts we want to convey a specific message. Sometimes it is a confession of love, sometimes it is an emphasis on the importance and value of the person, and sometimes it is simply a wish. However, it is not easy to find one who conveys all th...
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21 red tulips

The tulips in the box look very impressive and aesthetic. The flowers can also be accompanied by a teddy bear, chocolate or a card with greetings, greetings or confessions straight from the heart.


The memorial of death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is the oldest and most important holiday for Catholics and Orthodox. It's connected to wonderful traditions, which origins date even pre-Christian times.

Easter gifts

One of these traditions is looking for an Easter Bunny. It's a family game involving finding surprises, which we give to each other. There are mainly sweets and chocolate, but not only. Poczta Kwiatowa® has prepared special gifts for this occasion. You can find them in our offer.

Easter flowers and wreaths

Can you imagine Easter without beautiful, fresh flowers and unique easter wreaths? Yellow daffodils, tulips and easter decorations are the permanent element of the easter table, where we sit with our family. Make an order from Poczta Kwiatowa® website and make this Easter unforgettable.

Reviews see more

It’s nice to send a gift to a nephew from abroad.
17.11.2022 r. Maja
Great gift, even the adults liked it; _)
16.09.2022 r. Vikar
Beautiful tulips. I love your company
16.09.2022 r. Julija
OK <3
16.09.2022 r. Lidia