Autumn collection

Take a look and choose something out of our gift ideas - choose flowers and brighten up the autumn days.

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Splendor bouquet

Let the splendor and good luck stay with the addressee thanks to the lovely flowers. Charming tea roses can be the right form of wishing somebody good luck. We recommend this bouquet especially as a present for someone's 18th Birthday.
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Happy birthday boquet

Dzisiejszy jubilat jest dla Ciebie kimś ważnym? Nasza kwiaciarnia internetowa wie, jak możesz złożyć mu najpiękniejsze życzenia "sto lat!". Wystarczy, że wybierzesz piękny bukiet z herbacianymi różami i dołączysz bilecik - gwarantujemy niezapomniane wr...
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I remember about you f...

Udowodnij ważnym dla Ciebie ludziom, że o nich pamiętasz. Gerbery, margaretki i róże w klasycznej kompozycji idealnie się do tego nadadzą. Podaruj kwiaty z pomocą Poczty Kwiatowej i skróć dystans między Wami! W związku z chwilowym ogra...
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Joyful smile flowers

A beautiful, colorful bouquet that will warm your sweatheart heart! Flowers are emotions - color and decorated that day and make it the most beautiful. Express your feelings by flowers that express more than a thousand words. Give us this honor , make...
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Hot feelings composition

Do you have a hot feeling for someone special, and you have no words to express them? Great! Poczta Kwiatowa® will help you in this! Emphasize this by flowers - let the roses in the basket bear your most beautiful confessions directly to the hands and ...
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Mascot - surprise

Mascot and roses are a combination that will steal her heart from. Our flowers online for something more than a fragrant consignment- its a big surprise that will never be forgotten, and will make she think about you that you are the best man in the ...
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Bouquet with apples

Jesteście jak dwie połówki jabłka? Nic nie przekaże tego lepiej, jak owoc Edenu! W dodatku w kompozycji, gdzie rozkwitają urzekające cynie, róże i pachnący wrzos. Zamów te kwiaty online na stronie Poczty Kwiatowej®.
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A basket with wine

Frezje i róże z dodatkiem czerwonego wina to wspaniałe zaproszenie do miłości, jakie możesz podarować swojej sympatii. Prześlij te fantastycznie zmysłowe kwiaty w pięknym koszu i obdaruj ją swoim wyjątkowym uczuciem. Przedstawiony na zdjęciu ko...
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Bouquet Style

Różowe róże oznaczają rosnącą namiętność. W towarzystwie stylowej eustomy i szykownej zieleni dekoracyjnej to idealny bukiet na wesele. Zachwyca swoim urokiem i prostotą, ale także profesjonalnym wykonaniem. Poczta Kwiatowa® - wyślij ...
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Like it

Like in the song "That's the way I like it" - a composition of flowers in a way that everyone will like - colorful, radiant, fragrant, and at the same time not being combined. Apparently, the most persistent we remember the colors and smells - by sendi...
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Halloween flowers

Bukiet w kolorze pomarańczowym, barwie dominującej Halloween. Skoro Halloween, to oczywiście obowiązkowo dochodzą cukierki. Zrób miłego psikusa swoim znajomym, bądź oryginalny i wyślij słodką niespodziankę. Poczta Kwiatowa® - kwiaty albo psikus!
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Whirlpool of emotions ...

Order flowers and express your deepest feelings with a beautiful and original bouquet of "whirlwind feelings" in an original way. Practice close ones in a feeling of whirlwind with delight. Roses, cloves, alstromeries and limonium decorated with decora...
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Bouquet pinktober

October is a global month dedicated to raising awareness about the prevention and treatment of breast cancer – the so-called Pinktober. Poczta Kwiatowa® has introduced a pastel mixed flower arrangement in different shades of roses (bishops, cyclamen, ...
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Flower flame bouquet

Kwiaty są jednym z najlepszych pomysłów na podarowanie komuś pięknego prezentu. Kompozycja kwiatów utrzymana w ciepłej kolorystyce czerwieni, pomarańczu i żółci wprowadza w typowo jesienny nastrój. Jesienią kiedy wieczory stają się coraz dłuższe,jest...
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Amber Bouquet

Tulips are unique spring flowers that delight with their appearance, beautiful color and durability. A bouquet of orange tulips with the addition of a red plaster will certainly enchant the recipient. Poczta Kwiatowa® has created for all women - Bouque...
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Green symbols of autumn

Are you looking for a special gift for a loved one? Do you want the gift to be diverse? Poczta Kwiatowa® offers a unique composition of Symbols of Autumn. It contains a beautiful autumn plant - heather, and seasonal fruits with the addition of a box of...
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Red symbols of autumn

Your loved ones are far away and you want to give them a little autumn sun? Poczta Kwiatowa® has the perfect gift for this occasion - the Red Symbols of Autumn. The composition consists of heather - a potted plant, delicious fruit - red apples and appl...
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Flowers with blush

It is common knowledge that there is no better way to give a gift than flowers. It's not important the opportunity or the season. What matters is the gesture! With cool evenings in mind, Poczta Kwiatowa® has combined a wonderful amber bouquet with exce...
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Exclusive set with syrups

An excellent gift for special occasions. The Letter Basket from Poczta Kwiatowa® is a set of carefully selected products of valued brands, combined in a unique, aesthetic way. In the basket, among others: a delicious coconut chocolate, Belgian seashell...
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Autumn evening basket

Make an autumn evening sweeter with this elegant basket: Lindt chocolates, A. Bikle sweets and Danish cookies. There is also a tea just perfect for autumn. Orders which are paid for before 12 o'clock will be delivered the next, working day. Orders ...
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7 tea roses with mulle...

What can I give to my loved ones in the autumn or winter? Poczta Kwiatowa® offers the ideal set - 7 tea roses with mulled wine - beautiful flowers that delight with their colour and will be a perfect decoration of the interior, and also mulled wine, th...
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A memory of a sunny su...

Summer is probably the most loved of all the seasons. An abundance of colours, flavours and aromas, ripe fruit, sunshine and relaxation in the shade of lush vegetation. We've kept what's most enjoyable about the summer months and created Memories of a ...
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Tea roses in a white box

W tej kompozycji przeważa pastelowa barwa. Symbolizuje ona i piękno i czystość intencji. Bije od nie także szlachetność podkreślona delikatnością róż.

Autumn variety

Autumn brings unusually warm climate and rich paletteof tones. It welcomes us with colours - from light, shinning gold to dark redness. You can find all these colours in autumn offer of Poczta Kwiatowa®, which we have prepared especially for You. With us you don't have to be afraid of the November darkness and dullness. Our flowers will bring the sun to your close ones even in the most cloudy days. Send your friends the autumn charm in an unique bouquet of flowers.

Autumn flowers

Poczta Kwiatowa® offers you the whole variety of autumn flowers. The most popular are violet heathers. They are known for their delicate structure and strong, sweet smell. We also recommend bouquets of autumn asters. They bloom in blue, white, pink or purple colour. You can find them all on our website.

Reviews see more

Very very nice lady, who delivered the parcel :)
25.11.2022 r. Bob
I love this jam.
24.11.2022 r. Maya
The bouquet is beautiful.
15.11.2022 r. Sara
Punctual delivery. Flowers looked exactly as pictured on website. Nicely done!
10.11.2022 r. Martha