The bouquet of Carnations from Poczta Kwiatowa® is a tribute to the tradition and simplicity that has been incorporated into the green of these unique flowers. It’s not just a bouquet, it’s a story of refined elegance and refreshing nature that brings out beauty in simplicity.
Green carnations, with their distinctive shape and intense colour, are the heart of this arrangement. Their juicy green symbolizes not only freshness, but also calmness and balance, making the bouquet exude natural harmony.
The bouquet of Carnations delights not only with its colour, but also with its delicate aroma, which resembles summer gardens in full bloom. It is a bouquet that brings to the interior a feeling of peace and closeness with nature, while emphasizing the simplicity and uniqueness of carnations.
Perfect for both joyful occasions and moments of reflection, this bouquet of carnations is an invitation to the beauty hidden in the details. Let each green carnation tell its story, creating a unique composition that appeals to the heart and senses.
Green carnations, with their distinctive shape and intense colour, are the heart of this arrangement. Their juicy green symbolizes not only freshness, but also calmness and balance, making the bouquet exude natural harmony.
The bouquet of Carnations delights not only with its colour, but also with its delicate aroma, which resembles summer gardens in full bloom. It is a bouquet that brings to the interior a feeling of peace and closeness with nature, while emphasizing the simplicity and uniqueness of carnations.
Perfect for both joyful occasions and moments of reflection, this bouquet of carnations is an invitation to the beauty hidden in the details. Let each green carnation tell its story, creating a unique composition that appeals to the heart and senses.
Availability: All year
Mały: 15 zielonych goździków
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