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Bouquet for the Leo - Majesty and Courage
This royal bouquet was created for people born under the sign of Leo (23 July - 22 August). Its powerful and elegant composition reflects the majestic personality and courage that are the distinctive features of this sign.
The flowers of roses are a symbol of romantic and generous nature. Lions have a big heart and give a lot of love to their loved ones.
The bouquet also included gerbera flowers, which give an extravagant and creative side.
The colors of this bouquet are equally important - people under the sign of the lion act under the influence of the sun, so matching colors are orange, yellow and gold. These colours are full of optimism and warmth just like the people under this sign.
This impressive bouquet is a tribute to the charisma and unique charm of Lviv. May it bring much joy, appreciation and admiration.

Availability: 01.01 - 31.12


alstromerie, celosia, gerberas, oset, carnations, decorative green, ribbon and decorative paper

bouquet does NOT contain a vase

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