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Elegance and original idea for a gift? This is what characterizes the Honeymoon Bouquet. White, subtle orchids and delicate feathers perfectly highlight the unique wedding celebration. Make the Newlyweds feel Your presence in this most important day for them, even if you will be thousands of miles away from the ceremony. Show your relatives that you remember them. Give them unforgettable moments by sending the most beautiful flowers - a bouquet with orchids and wonderful feathers. We also recommend it for the wedding anniversary. Send your best wishes with the help of Poczta Kwiatowa, your online florist

Availability: 01.01 - 31.07

Composition: orchid, feathers, greenery

Reviews see more

A bouquet suitable for any occasion.
26.04.2018.yr Adam
Beautiful orchid! Thanks
08.09.2017.yr Sally
Delivery was on time. Excellent arrangement!
18.04.2017.yr Philip
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