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Fat Thursday Bouquet is a set perfect for this occasion. A combination of fresh, charming and fragrant flowers combined with sweet, aromatic donuts will certainly satisfy everyone, not only the gourmet. A bouquet of flowers consisting of lilies, cloves, tastes and roses, due to its lightness and delicacy will impress every woman or small lady :) This set is ideal as a silencer for cool, winter, yet beautiful evenings. The set includes a bouquet of pastel flowers and 5 delicious donuts. This gift will be ideal for people who like to receive practical gifts :) Who doesn't like to give in to sweet pleasure? Poczta Kwiatowa® is able to guarantee that no one!

Availability: All year


5 donuts + lily, santini, carnation, rose, eustoma, iris, gladiola, Swedish fern, ribbon

Example doughnut ingredients: wheat flour (type 500), water, eggs, vegetable oil, multi-fruit marmalade, <

Reviews see more

This polish donuts are really yummy! Flowers are beautiful too, but this donuts are amazing!
18.06.2018.yr Lewis
Very efficient service, I recommend!
17.01.2018.yr Sarah
Thats what i expected. Great job
17.07.2017.yr Jakub

3 Item(s)

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