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Get on a brave gesture and express your feelings with flowers, and a loved one will surely remember it for a long time! The "brave gesture" bouquet is a romantic composition with tulips and a red gypsophila flower
interlaced with great red hearts. Impress your beloved gift from Poczta Kwiatowa®. The red color is the color of love, let the red tulips and hearts on the peak show your great love! The highest quality of your bouquet, and professional performance by the best florists in the country is guaranteed by Poczta Kwiatowa®, your flowers online

Availability: All year


9 tulips, hearts on the peak, greenery

Reviews see more

Very impressive, wow
18.02.2018.yr Igor
Flowers were a gift and I hadn't seen them but service was excellent
17.10.2017.yr Susan
Professional service and really nice flowers ;)
02.03.2017.yr Emily

3 Item(s)

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