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This bouquet is just springtime! Lilies, irises and gerberas are a joyful combination that will bring a bit of magic into your relationship.
A bouquet of sunshine is a gift that will bring to life, without a doubt, a bit of rays that will positively affect you to continue spending the day. Giving someone a colourful iris bouquet will show them your confidence! Flowers have a magical power to convey emotions, which we often cannot express directly. Let yourself be helped - order flowers online and share your happiness with your loved ones!. . The sunny bouquet of flowers is a composition that brings to mind the sunny days themselves, and is made of irises, lilies and gerberas.

Availability: 01.01 - 31.12

Composition: irises, lilies, gerberas, greenery

Reviews see more

The flowers I received are absolutely beautiful! Thank you so much:)
20.05.2018.yr Wiktoria
Fast delivery and beautiful bouquet!
14.03.2018.yr Alexander
Everythig was great: both delivery and flowers. Thank U
18.01.2017.yr Stephanie
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