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Tulips mean joy. Share it with your loved ones by ordering flowers on your phone. Poczta Kwiatowa® will be happy to hand them over on your behalf and make sure that the addressee thinks about you warmly. The Merry moments bouquet is not so named for no reason - yellow tulips are a symbol of joy, happiness, cheerful thoughts. The person you give them to will certainly have a smile on his face all day! And you - you will be proud of yourself that you have given someone a great pleasure, even though you do not have this person close by, which is a great feat!

Availability: 01.01 - 30.04


20 yellow tulips, color paper


25 yellow tulips, color paper


30 yellow tulips, color paper

Reviews see more

Thank you so much! Great job!!!
17.11.2018.yr Claude
Everything on time, very helpful staff, gives all information I recommend
22.05.2018.yr Sarah
Im so satisfied for your service. Good job
18.02.2018.yr Raymond

3 Item(s)

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