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The pink bouquet is a magnificent bouquet of pink flowers that blend together perfectly. It is to a delicate bouquet in a romantic style,
which will undoubtedly conquer the hearts of all women because of its charming character. The pink colour itself is a symbol of delicacy, femininity and charm. By presenting this bouquet, the donor will highlight the charm and admiration of the person to whom he hands the flowers, and the recipient will be able to feel very special. Such a gift is also a good idea if we want to express our concern. Alstrometry, roses, santini... our flowers for the phone are a unique blend of positive emotions! Give them to your loved ones.

Availability: All year

Composition: roses, alstroemeria, pink santini, green santini, gypsophila

Reviews see more

Thanks, fast delivery!
13.03.2018.yr Rhys
Flowers were beautiful! Thank you so much, Poczta Kwiatowa
18.02.2018.yr Paula
My family was grateful for that bouquet. Poczta Kwiatowa, you are the best
17.10.2017.yr Harold
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