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Your beloved likes to be surprised? In that case, the Bouquet of Hearts will be perfect for you! In this bouquet, satin hearts are decorated with wonderful red gerberas. Get into a remarkable combination and show your beloved how much you can afford in love! Flowers that will warm to the limit heart of your sweetheart. Bet on quality quality flowers. Thanks to the delivery of this bouquet you will give someone an unforgettable experience. Personalize the bouquet and send it today. It is not worth waiting with a feeling! Poczta Kwiatowa®, the leader of flowers online.

Availability: 01.01 - 31.12


red gerberas, greenery, hearts (hearts may differ in appearance from those that will be delivered).

Reviews see more

beautiful bouquet with hearts. The whole thing looks very romantic ❤️
16.09.2022.yr Sofia
The flowers are incredibly beautiful. High-quality workmanship !!!
15.09.2022.yr S. Frey
A romantic gift from husband :))
14.09.2022.yr Vika
everything ok, i recommend
28.03.2018.yr Ava

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