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Pink roses mean a growing passion. Accompanied by a stylish taste and chic decorative green, it is an ideal bouquet for the wedding.
It impresses with its charm and simplicity, but also with its professional performance. A bouquet of Style and Chic is a very elegant but delicate composition, which makes a striking impression on everyone who sees it! It will definitely be a tasteful wedding gift for the newlyweds, but not only - it will work for every occasion that requires the preparation of a chic gift. Poczta Kwiatowa® - send in a bouquet of style.

Availability: 01.01 - 31.12


spray roses, eustomas, greenery, organza, gypsophila

Reviews see more

16.09.2022.yr :)
15.09.2022.yr Vira
a company worth recommending
14.09.2022.yr Maria
Stunning flowers delivered on time. What more could I ask for. Thank you, will definitely use your servi...
17.12.2018.yr Thomas

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