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Surprise, emotion and joy are emotions experienced by recipients receiving flowers - and our couriers confirm that it is a privilege to mediate in providing them with these wonderful moments. Be closer to your beloved ones by sending them your wishes with the bouquet "Great moments". Roses, gerberas, tulips and anemones in the company of sisal hearts is a very warm and charming composition that will cause a radiant smile on the face of the recipient. Where you can not reach, highlight your presence with beautiful flowers and be with your loved ones. The Poczta Kwiatowa®, your flowers online, ensures the contentment of your loved ones and the highest quality

Availability: All year


gerberas, red roses, glaucoma, tulips, heart sisal, gypsophila (baby's breath), Decorative greenery 

Reviews see more

Charming flowers!
19.02.2018.yr Petar
Its fantastic! One day you make order on website, and the next day flowers are in your Mom hands! I love...
03.03.2017.yr Mia
Very good, mom very pleased with her flowers
18.01.2017.yr Hugh
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