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The Pink Roses Bouquet "Rosy Reveries" is an extraordinary composition that delights with its delicacy and beauty. This magnificent bouquet includes carefully selected pink roses, symbolising love, friendship and gratitude. With their velvety petals and subtle fragrance, each flower in this bouquet exudes extraordinary energy. In addition, the bouquet is enriched with green foliage and charming accessories, making the whole look exceptionally elegant. Ideal for a variety of occasions, from birthdays to romantic gestures. Order the Pink Roses Bouquet "Rosy Reveries" from Poczta Kwiatowa®, and enjoy the unique beauty that will complement every special moment in your life. Thanks to our service, beautiful flowers will arrive quickly and safely to your loved ones.

Availability: 01.01 - 06.02, 07.02 - 31.12

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