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Kwiaty i prezenty na Dzień Kobiet do Gdańska

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Kwiaty na Dzień Kobiet są zawsze dobrym pomysłem na obdarowanie bliskiej kobiety. Nabierają szczególnego znaczenia, gdy dostanie je kobieta mieszkająca wiele kilometrów od Ciebie! Kwiaty na Dzień Kobiet wysłane do Gdańska z pewnością zostaną przez nią docenione, a radości nie będzie końca! Taka niespodzianka zostanie zapamietana na długo, przekonaj się sam!
Example products in the city Gdańsk. Enter postcode, to display products at the delivery location
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21 pink carnations

Regular Price: zł179.00

Special Price: zł159.00

For the upcoming Women's Day, Poczta Kwiatowa® has prepared a composition of 21 pink carnations. The flowers are cut, fresh and perfect to express feelings or thank an important woman in our lives. Pink carnations symbolize love, romans and elegance. T...
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21 red carnations

By giving gifts we want to convey a specific message. Sometimes it is a confession of love, sometimes it is an emphasis on the importance and value of the person, and sometimes it is simply a wish. However, it is not easy to find one who conveys all th...
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Pastel Bouquet

A unique gift is both a beautiful gesture and a pleasant surprise. Therefore, it is not surprising that flowers are the most chosen gift for various occasions. They are an expression of the most sincere feelings, wishes, congratulations or those more d...
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Pastel bouquet with Bo...

Bukiet pastelowy z winem bezalkoholowym Bon Voyage! to połączenie subtelnej elegancji kwiatów i radości niebiańskiego różowego wina bezalkoholowego Bon Voyage. Poczta Kwiatowa® stworzyła niezwykłą kompozycję - Bukiet Pastelowy - świeże goździki, mar...
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Carefree Bouquet

Bukiet Beztroski z oferty Poczty Kwiatowej® to wyjątkowa kompozycja kwiatowa, która emanuje lekkością, radością i beztroskim urokiem. Ten bukiet składający się z różowych róż, różowych gerber, białej gipsówki, fioletowego limonium i białych margaretek ...
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Dream flowers

Are you looking for the right bouqet to express your love? The „Dream” flowers is a composition which astonishes women. The charming oxeye daisies, finess carnations assisted by santini and an elegant rose make a refined bouqet. Surprise your close one...
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Tulips for Women's Day

Are you looking for perfect flowers foryour woman? Do you want a bouquet toenchant her completely? PocztaKwiatowa® with all women in mindoffers an unusual bouquet of Tulips forWomen's Day. This is an unusualcomposition of white and pink tulips, which e...
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Colorful tulips 12-100...

Tulips are beautiful and spring flowers! It is worth giving them to a loved one and making them smile. Poczta Kwiatowa® has created a product-creator (a bouquet of colourful tulips). Now you can decide how many flowers you want in a bouquet.
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Pink tulips 12-100 pcs.

Tulips are beautiful and spring flowers! It is worth giving them to a loved one and making them smile. Poczta Kwiatowa® has created a product-creator (a bouquet of pink tulips). Now you can decide how many flowers you want in a bouquet. The bouquet can...
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Red tulips 12-100 pcs.

Tulips are beautiful and spring flowers! It is worth giving them to a loved one and making them smile. Poczta Kwiatowa® has created a product-creator (a bouquet of red tulips). Now you can decide how many flowers you want in a bouquet. The bouquet can ...
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Pink roses in a white box

W tej kompozycji przeważa pastelowa barwa. Symbolizuje ona i piękno i czystość intencji. Bije od nie także szlachetność podkreślona delikatnością róż.
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Colorful roses 9-100 pcs.

Do you want to gift your loved one a specific number of coloured roses for their anniversary? Or do you want to give the birthday boy or girl a bouquet consisting of as many flowers as the number of years he or she is just turning? Poczta Kwiatowa® has...
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Powdery posy

The Powdery posy is the perfect choice for a Mother's Day gift that will surely please every mother. This beautiful bouquet of flowers, delivered thanks to Poczta Kwiatowa®, consists of a variety of flowers in pastel colors, which give it a unique char...
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Pink tulips bouquet

Send flowers that the beautiful sex has given special praise. Surprise your sweetheart. We guarantee that a bouquet of 9 pink tulips is a delightful gift for every woman. It can be delivered to any address in Poland, to the workplace, introduce a warm ...
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Flowers- colourful tulips

Tulipany to radosne, wiosenne kwiaty, które z pewnością wywołają uśmiech na twarzy ukochanej osoby, nawet w pochmurny dzień. Kwiaty - kolorowe tulipany to idealny upominek dla kogoś, kto potrzebuje codziennej dawki motywacji i poprawy humoru. Przyczyń...
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Thumbelina bouquet

Are you looking for flowers for your sister, girlfriend, friend? Tulips are the perfectchoice! Thumbelina bouquet was createdespecially for this occasion. This proposalof Poczta Kwiatowa® is a composition ofpink and yellow tulips full of clarity andcol...
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Strawberries in chocol...

Truskawki w czekoladzie z makaronikami i różową różą to wyrafinowana uczta dla podniebienia i zmysłów, łącząca świeżość owoców, słodycz czekolady, delikatność makaroników i romantyczną różę. Ten ekskluzywny produkt doskonale łączy w sobie smakowe i est...
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Kwiatogram® of florists

With a beautiful bouquet you can say so much, apologize, ask, cheer up, make the recipient smile or express your feelings. A bouquet of flowers is the perfect gift for any occasion, official, religious, family and completely informal meetings of friend...
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Joyful bouquet

The "Joyful" bouquet is a new arrangement from the emerald collection of Poczta Kwiatowa®. Arranged by floristic masters, it delights with its charm. It's a perfect idea for an original gift that will impress your beloved ones.
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Impression bouquet

The Impressionists painters were aiming closeness of nature, they wanted to catch sensual, fleeting moments - catch unique mood of the moment. the Impression bouquet is a light flower arrangement with roses, daisies, agapanthus, eustoma and limonium in...
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Powder Bouquet with a ...

Bukiecik Pudrowy z misiem to idealny wybór na prezent, który z pewnością ucieszy każdą obdarowaną osobę. Ten piękny bukiecik kwiatów, dostarczany dzięki firmie Poczta Kwiatowa®, składa się z różnorodnych kwiatów w kolorach pastelowych, które nadają mu ...
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Beautiful Feeling Bouquet

Can't you be on Mother's Day with your mother and would you like to wish her happy birthday in a special way? What kind of flowers to give your mother on her holiday? Poczta Kwiatowa® offers beautiful bouquets, which will surely delight all mothers. Mo...
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Gleam flowers

You have no idea what to buy for the present? Wanna express your feelings in the most beautiful way? We can help you! Orderings those lovely flowers with cute teddy bear, which composses perfectly with bouquet, you will shorten distance between you, a...

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