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During Easter there is nothing such good as daffodils and typical Easter cake. The unique taste accompanied by yellow spring flowers and subtle decoration create optimistic composition prepared by our florists specially for the occasion of this year's Easter. It can totally call up all good memories of family get-togethers at the table. Choose it for an Easter gift and you'll be surprised how much joy can give such symbolic gesture.

Availability: All year

Composition: Szafirek w doniczce, mazurek wielkanocny, ozdoba: kurczak, bazie, jajka, wydmuszki, mech, rafia, organza, koszyk

Reviews see more

Everything is ok!
24.03.2018.yr Markus
Everythig was on point!
18.03.2018.yr Oliver
09.05.2017.yr Anna

3 Item(s)

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