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We offer a unique bouquet of 12 long roses that will be the perfect expression of affection for any occasion. These beautiful flowers are distinguished by their intense colours and delicate fragrance, which makes every detail of them catch the eye. The roses are wrapped in elegant paper, which gives them a unique character and makes them look phenomenal. They are perfect for romantic dinners, anniversaries, birthdays or any other special moment you wish to celebrate. By choosing our bouquet of flowers, you not only bring joy into the life of a loved one, but you also benefit from the services of Poczta Kwiatowa®, which will ensure their fast and safe delivery. Make your feelings expressed in a way that will be remembered for a long time.This bouquet is the perfect way to express love and gratitude!

Availability: 01.01 - 03.03, 04.03 - 31.12

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