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A bouquet of white alstromerias is a beautiful choice for anyone wishing to gift a loved one with a touch of elegance and freshness. These delicate flowers delight with their subtlety and clarity, and their white colour symbolises purity, love and friendship. In the bouquet you will find carefully selected, fresh alstromerias that hold their beauty for a long time, adding a special touch to any interior. Combined with green leaves, they form a harmonised composition that delights with its appearance and aroma. They are ideal for a variety of occasions - from birthdays to anniversaries or simply as an expression of remembrance. Order a bouquet of white alstromerias via Poczta Kwiatowa® to give someone special a beautiful floral gift that is sure to bring a smile to their face.

Availability: 20.11 - 07.12, 08.12 - 31.12

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