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The Red Roses Bouquet "Classics" is a unique composition that will delight any flower lover. It consists of beautiful, fresh roses in an intense shade of red, symbolising love and passion. Each rose has been carefully selected to ensure the highest quality and long-lasting effect. In addition, the bouquet is enriched with delicate green foliage to accentuate the charm of the flowers and add an elegant touch. Ideal for romantic occasions, anniversaries or expressions of affection, this bouquet will become an extraordinary gift for a loved one. Thanks to Poczta Kwiatowa®, you can send this unique bouquet anywhere in the country, ensuring surprise and joy for the gifted person. Choose Bouquet of Red Roses "Classics" and express your feelings in the most beautiful way!

Availability: 01.01 - 06.02, 07.02 - 31.12

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