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The bouquet of 6 roses is a unique composition that delights with its charm and elegance. Each rose, carefully selected, exudes extraordinary beauty and a fragrance that puts you in a romantic mood. The perfect combination of colours, from classic red to subtle shades of pink and white, makes the bouquet ideal for a variety of occasions - from birthdays to anniversaries to declarations of love. Our roses are fresh and long-lasting, and their careful arrangement makes the bouquet look outstanding. By choosing Bouquet of 6 roses you bestow your loved one not only with a unique gift, but also with emotions and feelings. Thanks to cooperation with Poczta Kwiatowa® you can be sure that your bouquet will reach its addressee in a perfect way, regardless of the place in Poland. Such a gesture will surely be appreciated!


Availability: 06.01 - 04.02, 05.02 - 01.04, 02.04 - 31.12

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