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Bouquet for the Taurus - Beauty and Perseverance
This charming bouquet was specially created for those born under the zodiac sign of Taurus (April 20 - May 20). Its composition reflects perseverance, solidity and love of beauty.
The main component of the bouquet is lilies, which add elegance and dignity. Their majestic appearance reflects confidence and readiness to meet any challenge.
The bouquet is kept in bright colors with a predominance of green color, which reflects tranquility, harmony and nature. Taurus often value stability and comfort, so greenery can help create a relaxing and cozy environment.
This unique composition of flowers pays tribute to the Taurus perseverance and steadfastness. May this bouquet also remind you of your most treasured qualities and inspire you to enjoy everyday moments.

Availability: 01.06 - 31.07


pink gerberas, white lilies, purple carnations, hypericum, limonium, decorative green, ribbon and decorative paper

bouquet does NOT include a vase

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