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Make the best wishes straight from the heart. Express by flowers more than a thousand words. Wish your relatives dreams come true because it is they who give life meaning and drive to action, they let us to grow and enjoy every moment. And is there something more beautiful than giving someone a beatiful flowers? Place an order for a beautiful bouquet composed of red roses, sunflowers, hydrangea and hypericum decorated with decorative greenery and an orifice and give it to your loved ones. Send your dreams with Poczta Kwiatowa®. Your online florist no. 1

Availability: All year

Composition: gerberas, oxeye daisies, roses, fern

Reviews see more

My grandma was delighted, she loves roses
13.06.2018.yr Giovanna
Great job!
21.12.2017.yr Karol
Excellent service, delivered as promised the product actually looked like the picture. My friends wife w...
18.03.2017.yr Jerome

3 Item(s)

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