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Bouquet for Capricorn - Strength, Ambition and Noble Elegance
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19) is the tenth sign of the zodiac. This majestic bouquet was created for people born under this sign. Its impressive composition reflects the strength, ambition and noble elegance that are characteristic of this brand.
One of the main components of the bouquet are carnations, which symbolize the strength, persistence and determination of Capricorns.
This impressive bouquet is a tribute to the powerful and ambitious personality of Capricorn. Let it remind you of their ability to achieve goals, of the beauty of the balance between strength and delicacy, and of the nobility and majesty that make them so special.

Availability: 01.01 - 31.12


eustoma, carnations, santini, tanacetum, roses, decorative green, ribbon and decorative paper

bouquet does NOT contain a vase

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