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Imagine the smile and surprise of a loved one at the sight of the courier of Poczta Kwiatowa® with a bouquet of various fresh, intensely fragrant flowers. The "Painted" bouquet owes its name to its colorful composition - red roses and lilies, white and orange plaster in combination with a special variation of yellow-red tulips and decorative green will definitely make an impression, look like the most beautiful picture. Paint a close smile on your face. Poczta Kwiatowa®, your flowers on the phone

Availability: All year


lilies, tulips, red roses, gypsophila (baby's breath) in two colors, decorative greenery

Reviews see more

Great flowers!
24.02.2018.yr Grace
Arrived on time and fantastic quality and worth money.
17.08.2017.yr Wendy
Excellent flowers! You're really florist online No.1 :)
08.03.2017.yr Ryan
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