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Show Woman how much it means to you. Red is the color of passionate love. This bouquet is perfect for a gift without the ocasion to make nice smile on your woman face, and is a great choice for Women's Day. With us you will order fresh and beautiful top quality flowers for your phone. Use the idea for interestingly arranged tulips with beautiful decorations and send them to a special person. Bet on the quality, that we leave to the best florists in Poland. Poczta Kwiatowa®, the fastest flowers on the phone

Availability: All year


25 red tulips, prepared leaves, string of flowers, color paper

Reviews see more

My girlfriend was very happy and said that they are beautiful! there must be something in this :)
03.06.2018.yr Jacob
Fantastic service. Thank you very much!
12.12.2017.yr George
You'll did a great job, my girlfriend was very happy, see you'll on mother's day
17.02.2017.yr Gabriel
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