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Let's start the day in the sun. A warm bouquet of sunflowers and irises straight into the hands of the recipient from the very morning. Poczta Kwiatowa® - we deliver a successful day. Such a gift will certainly make the recipient smile all day long, because who doesn't like to start the day with a bouquet of flowers that stimulate to spend the day actively? Such a surprise will certainly be appreciated even by the biggest sleeper. A bouquet of sunflowers means warmth and happiness, so give them to someone for a good day!
You can add a ticket to the bouquet, which will make the day of the recipient even more pleasant with its content :)

Availability: 01.07 - 09.09


sunflowers, irises, raffia, greenery

Reviews see more

Very good service
10.11.2022.yr Adele
Beautiful flowers , sent on time
17.05.2018.yr Eva
Fast delivery
15.01.2018.yr Jennifer
You did a great job. Thanks!
18.03.2017.yr Jolanta

4 Item(s)

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