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The Daisy fruit bouquet is the perfect gift for someone you want to give a large dose of sunny summer! This bouquet is composed of fruits that they bring to mind nothing more than holidays in hot, exotic countries! This is due to juicy, and above all sweet, pineapple flowers strewn on green grass. Flowers are accompanied by grape palms. This set will certainly appeal to every person, who lonf for a holiday climate! The bouquet impresses with its appearance, but above all, its delicious taste, additionally giving an injection of vitamin energy!

Orders which are paid for before 12 o'clock will be delivered the next, working day. Orders within the borders of the city of Warsaw can be delivered the same day, as long as they are confirmed over the phone.Orders are fulfilled within 24 hours.

Availability: All year

Composition: Melon galia
Melon cantaloupe
Dark grapes
Sweet pineapple

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