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Bouquet for the Virgo - Subtlety and Perfectionism
Zodiac sign Virgo (23 August - 22 September) is the sixth sign of the zodiac, representing people born during this period. Virgo is an earth sign, which gives it the characteristics of practicality, meticulousness and analytical thinking. This charming bouquet was created for people born under the sign of Virgo. Its delicate composition reflects the subtlety, perfectionism and noble simplicity that are also characteristic of this mark.
One of the components of the bouquet are eustoma flowers, which symbolize subtlety and tenderness, but at the same time perseverance. Like eustomy, Virgins are persistent and determined in the pursuit of their goals.
Let this bouquet remind you of the ability to cope with challenges, appreciating simplicity and beauty in the smallest detail.

Availability: 01.01 - 31.12


eustoma, roses, carnations, decorative green, ribbon and decorative paper

bouquet does NOT contain a vase

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