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A hot heart? Bouquet of rays is the perfect composition for you. Red and yellow tulips create an amazing combination. Some are a sign of love, joy and passion, while the other is a symbol of the sun, warmth and freshness. Give a loved one a beautiful bouquet of tulips from the Poczta Kwiatowa® offer. Make a surprise to your beloved person and let not only the bouquet enchant her but also your memory and unusual gesture. Create a smile on the face of your loved one today. We are an expert in making people happy with fresh flowers, welcome! Join a wide group of our satisfied customers and take advantage of the opportunities! Poczta Kwiatowa®, flowers for the phone

Availability: All year

Composition: red tulips, yellow tulips, grass, decorative paper

Reviews see more

Very nice bunch
16.04.2018.yr Ava
04.04.2018.yr Joseph
Delivered in the time promised and I've been told the flowers were lovely.
18.01.2017.yr Christopher

3 Item(s)

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