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The Powdery posy is the perfect choice for a Mother's Day gift that will surely please every mother. This beautiful bouquet of flowers, delivered thanks to Poczta Kwiatowa®, consists of a variety of flowers in pastel colors, which give it a unique charm.

The bouquet includes delicate roses, charming gerberas, elegant carnations and many other matching flowers. All of them are carefully selected and gathered into a harmonious whole, creating a wonderful bouquet that you can give to your mother.

If you want to give your mother an extremely beautiful and unique gift, the Powdery posy is the perfect choice. Delicate, powdery colors of flowers and carefully selected species and varieties create a wonderful composition that will surely appeal to every mother.

See more similar products here: FLOWERS

Availability: All year



rosescarnationsgipsophilahypericumpistachio leaves

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