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Bouquet for Cancer - Delicacy, Love and Care
This lovely bouquet was created for people born under the sign of the zodiac Cancer (22 June - 22 July). His beautiful composition reflects the tenderness, love and deep emotional care that are characteristic of this sign.
At the head of the bouquet are beautiful and fragrant roses, which symbolize the affection and romantic nature of Cancer. As roses stand out for their beautiful variety, so too do Crayfish have a rich emotional sphere, which makes them sensitive and caring.
This beautiful bouquet is a tribute to Cancer's rich and caring personality. Let them remind of their ability to love and care for others, as well as of the sensitivity and tenderness that make them so special and loved by loved ones.

Availability: 01.01 - 31.12


eustoma, pink and white carnations, limonium, roses, ribbon and decorative paper

bouquet does NOT include a vase

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