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You have no words to express your love for the only one? Express your feeling and conquer her heart! Let kilometers not limit you no more, order flower online! Roses in white and pink colors with the gorgeus carnation, are perfect for reflect your love. Share your feeling with ypur sweatheart. Our present are entwine by the wicker, whick make it even more special- such as your your beatiful woman! Dont hesitate, order that lovely flowers online today!

Availability: 01.01 - 31.12

Composition: roses, spray carnation, santini, brunia, wicker

Reviews see more

Thats what i like! Fantastic bouquet!
17.04.2018.yr Henryk
Beautiful flowers!
23.01.2018.yr Andrew
Poczta did a great job!
17.10.2017.yr Hannah
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