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Bouquet of pink hydrangeas is a tribute to the delicacy and beauty that pink hydrangeas represent. Consisting of these charming flowers, the bouquet exudes subtlety and elegance, reminiscent of summer gardens full of flowers.

Pink hydrangeas are a symbol of charm, tenderness and grace. Their petals in shades of pink, decorating the lush branches, create a romantic atmosphere, which adds a unique charm and beauty to the bouquet.

A bouquet of pink hydrangeas is perfect as a gift for many occasions - from romantic meetings to family celebrations. Its delicacy and elegance will make it an unforgettable expression of love, respect or gratitude.
Let this bouquet bring joy and a smile to the face of everyone who receives it. Let its floral elegance and subtlety add grace to any room, creating an unforgettable atmosphere of tranquility and beauty.

Availability: 01.03 - 29.09


pink hydrangeas, eucalyptus, decorative paper

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