A romantic composition of fifteen pink roses in an elegant vase straight to the address indicated! Tell her about your feelings that your heart hides and use for it the flowers. Send delicate pink roses meaning purity, and faithful love and expect a huge blush.
The bouquet of blush is delivered with the vase. The photo shows medium length roses (60-70cm). The vase shown in the picture is an example and may differ from the one that will be delivered. The highest quality of flowers and professional workmanship is guaranteed by Poczta Kwiatowa®, your online florist.
The bouquet of blush is delivered with the vase. The photo shows medium length roses (60-70cm). The vase shown in the picture is an example and may differ from the one that will be delivered. The highest quality of flowers and professional workmanship is guaranteed by Poczta Kwiatowa®, your online florist.
Availability: 01.01 - 31.12
15 pink roses, vase, decorative greenery
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