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What flowers will be perfect? Poczta Kwiatowa® knows the answer: roses, along with carnations, gerberas and margaritas! These beautiful flowers combined in a bright, sunny and warm bouquet. They will make feel your sweetheart very happy and loved. Choose this wonderful composition and Poczta Kwiatowa® will take care of your delivery chosen place and delivery time! Poczta Kwiatowa®- flower specialists

Availability: All year

Composition: roses, carnations, gerberas, oxeye daisies, tanacetum, grass

Reviews see more

I highly recommend!
03.02.2018.yr Gabriella
Very easy to shop online . Delivery was on time. Thank U, Poczta!
17.06.2017.yr Thomas
Good service. I highly recommended poczta kwiatowa to everyone who loved great flowers
17.02.2017.yr Lucy
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