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Let yourself be carried away by tango and choose a lush composition of gerbera, margaret, tulips and many other flowers. Surprise your sweetheart and warm her heart to the limit. The Tango Bouquet is a proposal dedicated to all lovers. who are not completely convinced of the traditional composition of roses. Beautiful flowers in red tones will surely bring a smile to the face of a loved one. Let the red tulips give you a warm feeling without using words. The highest quality of flowers and professional workmanship is guaranteed by Poczta Kwiatowa®, your online florist

Availability: All year


gerberas, daisies, anemone, tulips, carnations, hypericum, gypsophila (baby's breath), decorative greenery

Reviews see more

Good site, fast delivery and relly good products
10.11.2022.yr Giorgia
Magnificent and impressive flowers
20.02.2018.yr Emma
Excellent service, flowers always fresh, Beautifully arranged and delivered on time.
17.03.2017.yr Valery
I love it, and i will recommed you to everyone!
04.03.2017.yr Isabella
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