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How to give joy to important people? Just smile towards loved ones! Greet them with a beautiful bouquet full of rose charm combined with the positive energy of yellow gerbera and the fragrance of the Asian lily. Let the red roses warm up their hearts and the gerbera smiles on their faces. Lily is all the best. Prove your loved ones how much they mean to you today! Poczta Kwiatowa has 100 ideas on how to make the day loved by your loved ones! Trust the florist of Poczta Kwiatowa who will blend your bouquet with the utmost diligence. Poczta Kwiatowa®, flowers online - your guarantee of quality.

Availability: 01.01 - 31.12

Composition: Asian lily, gerbera, rose, greenery

Reviews see more

The flowers arrived to the recipient on the same day. COOL
30.01.2018.yr Lydia
Such a beautiful arrangement, I'm so happy!!!
17.10.2017.yr Roy
Great as always, flowers delivery on time,and smells great! Thank you
18.04.2017.yr Judy
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