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Fragrant carnations, subtle irises, elegant roses, delicate eustomy - this ethereal, colorful bouquet is the essence of summer! Give a surprise to someone who associates you with such warmth. Let Poczta Kwiatowa® warm up those who have these beautiful flowers with a wonderful smile! Carnations in a warm holiday holiday are a shipment full of positive emotions. Give her a gift by ordering flowers online. Order flowers online, and with the help of Poczta Kwiatowa, the temperature between you will be hot as in the middle of July! Flower Post Quality guarantee

Availability: 01.01 - 31.12

Composition: carnations, iris, rose, eustoma, solidago, greenery

Reviews see more

Good quality of flowers, wow!
26.01.2018.yr Tyler
Great service, great flowers, thats what i like!
23.07.2017.yr Wiktor
It’s was great service you guys are amazing
18.04.2017.yr Philip
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