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Easter eggs in a bouquet are a joyful, colourful combination that will make your family smile.
The Easter bouquet is a stunning combination of springtime yellow, positively tuning wives and delicate frescos. Flowers are enriched with pretty accessories, which perfectly fit the character of the experienced Easter holidays - the base, eggs on wire, feathers. Such a bouquet of flowers will blend without any doubt into any festive arrangement on the table, thus adding to it a praiseworthy image.
Order flowers online and they will make you present among your loved ones.

Availability: All year

Composition: tulips, freesias, daffodils, catkins, eggs on a wires, feathers, greenery

Reviews see more

Convenient form of order, helpline helped in choosing a bouquet, I recommend
21.05.2018.yr Elisa
Stunning and amazing products and service. Thank You so much!
18.04.2017.yr Penelope
I thank you so much! You always deliver flowers on time!
28.03.2017.yr Iris

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