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A radiant, bright bouquet warms up your chosen one's heart. Flowers like a ray of sunlight will ignite your feelings. It is a bouquet consisting of classic roses, spring tulips and delicate cloves - positively associated flowers, not without reason they have been combined with each other and work perfectly together! Who knows, maybe they have the driving power and the name of the bouquet is not accidental here...Check it out by ordering a bouquet Back to me. The best florists from Poczta Kwiatowa® have prepared this bouquet for you.

Availability: All year

Composition: tulips, santini, roses, golden rod, carnation, fern, ribbon

Reviews see more

All cool
30.04.2018.yr Rosaline
My girl was delighted
31.10.2017.yr Mette
Best service and experience... thank you very much
17.09.2017.yr Rebecca
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