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Our florist offers a fantastic, floral arrangement, in which the main role is played by gerbera and rose. It is a bouquet created in warm colours, which reminds us of the golden sun we always wait for! You can give someone a little warmth today and order a beautiful, sunny bouquet of Złocień. It consists of beautifully fragrant lilies, classic tea roses, as well as gerberas and santini. This composition will certainly be perceived by the viewer as a warm gesture from the person who respects it and wants to give it some energy to live! This bouquet will make her heart beat faster!

Availability: All year


rose, gerbera, santini, lily, hipericum, greenery, ribbon

Reviews see more

My Mom was so surprised that she dont know what to say! Her jaw literally dropped. Thank you for help :)
11.10.2017.yr Amelia
Great idea for a gift!
08.10.2017.yr Agustina
I'm so suprised by seeng this flowers! They almost the same as in the picture! So beautiful and fresh......
18.02.2017.yr Sean
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