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The combination of red roses and black elegant box with a rim is a perfect arrangement full of beauty, charm and mystery. Give your beloved ones this luxury and enjoy their happiness.

Flowers in the box do not require watering. This product comes from the diamond collection series of Poczta Kwiatowa ®.

Availability: 01.01 - 31.12

Composition: c. 20 roses
black box round 17,5 cm
Rafaello candies 150 g

Reviews see more

Beautiful gift, i have nothing to add
07.07.2018.yr Emma
Wow! Thats the birthday present I want to get!
03.06.2017.yr Martina
Flowers and Rafaello are the best idea for gift! My girlfriend is soo happy! Thank You so much!!!
17.04.2017.yr Leo
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