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A creamy rose in paper will make someone close to you think about you. Make a nice gesture to your loved one - show off your memory of those you love! It is a simple gesture and can express many feelings. The creamy rose, like the white rose, is a symbol of humility and innocence. It is certainly a nice, non-committal gift, which will bring a lot of pleasure to the other person and will result in spending the rest of the day with a smile and a blush on his face.
Poczta Kwiatowa® will be happy to provide you with a gift on your behalf.

Availability: All year

Composition: 1 creamy rose in paper

Reviews see more

Friend satisfied with the gift for the name day
16.09.2022.yr D. K.
quality 100/100 :)
15.09.2022.yr Levi
Beautifully <3
14.09.2022.yr Elizabeth
Professional service and speed in delivery. I strongly recommend
07.02.2018.yr Mia

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