For a friend

Do you ask yourself what flowers are suitable for for friend from work for apology? Now you don't have to look somewhere far away, because Poczta Kwiatowa® have created a number of proposals for such occasions! Flowers of different colours and sizes are one of many compositions, which certainly will be ideal gift.

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delivery in 3 h

Pink and white bouquet

delivery in 2 h

Rainbow tulips

Bukiet kwiatów Tulipanowa Tęcza to kompozycja składająca się 25 kolorowych tulipanów, które przyozdobione są dekoracyjną zielenią oraz przeuroczą gipsówką. Takie połączenie to doskonałe rozwiązanie, gdy potrzebujesz romantycznego bukietu, który sprawdz...
delivery in 2 h

Flowers- colourful tulips

Tulipany to radosne, wiosenne kwiaty, które z pewnością wywołają uśmiech na twarzy ukochanej osoby, nawet w pochmurny dzień. Kwiaty - kolorowe tulipany to idealny upominek dla kogoś, kto potrzebuje codziennej dawki motywacji i poprawy humoru. Przyczyń...
delivery in 3 h

Bouquet of rays

A hot heart? Bouquet Promyki is the perfect composition for you. Red and yellow tulips create an amazing combination. Some are a sign of love, joy and passion, while the other is a symbol of the sun, warmth and freshness. Give a loved one a beautiful b...

For friend

Everybody have those special friends in theirs life. They are not only people we know, but also people we trust the most. They love us no matter what and they always support us with every decision. Thay also show us what real relationship feels like.It is not easy to emphasize their value and importance, but Poczta Kwiatowa® proves that it is possible.

Flowers for friend from work

Preparing their offer, they also remembered about these important relations for us. Each of the introduced flowers for friend from work or for apology contains not only great beauty and harmony but also uniqueness and great importance.They are an extraordinary reflection of our relationship with friends, which will surely bring surprise and joy.

Reviews see more

Order was okay
30.11.2022 r. Anna
A nice and aesthetically arranged and packaged bouquet. Nice shipment and courier.
24.11.2022 r. Noah
Easy, reliable and very good value for the money spent
10.11.2022 r. Paolo
Awesome! This was my first time buying from U.S , i sent flowers and a nice teddy bear to my GF, She was...
10.11.2022 r. Sandy