
Are you looking for the most beautiful tulips? Just look at these! Send bouquet of tulips online with Poczta Kwiatowa®.

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March Hare

Poczta Kwiatowa® has created a new collection of flower bouquets inspired by Alice in Wonderland. March Hare is one of the many figures in this work. We know he was a friend of the hatmaker and host of a crazy tea. Nothing completes an extraordinary af...
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Flowers to your home -...

Regular Price: zł149.00

Special Price: zł99.00

Would you like to give someone flowers? Or do you want the flowers to come to your house? Poczta Kwiatowa® offers a new product Flowers to your home - Tulips. This way, you can not only make your loved ones happy, but also yourself! The flowers are bea...
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Pink and white bouquet

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Flowers I Miss You

Kompozycja świeżych kwiatów składających się z 25 czerwonych tulipanów z przybraniem. Bukiet ten jest wyrazem wiosennego uczucia, które chcesz okazać bliskiej Ci osobie! Czerwone tulipany są, podobnie jak róże, symbolem namiętnej i prawdziwej miłości. ...
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Rainbow tulips

Bukiet kwiatów Tulipanowa Tęcza to kompozycja składająca się 25 kolorowych tulipanów, które przyozdobione są dekoracyjną zielenią oraz przeuroczą gipsówką. Takie połączenie to doskonałe rozwiązanie, gdy potrzebujesz romantycznego bukietu, który sprawdz...
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Kiss of love bouquet

Are you looking for a feminine bouquet which will symbolize your colourful feelings? We guarantee that every woman will be astonished by the „Kiss of love” composition. Send her a flower-kiss and win her heart with red tulips accompanied by dry leaves ...
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Happy moment composition

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Golden horn

Cudowny, wiosenny bukiet z trzydziestu tulipanów wprawi Twoich bliskich w radosny nastrój. Ta okazała kompozycja zachowana w ciepłych, jasnych barwach idealnie nadaje się, by uczcić dzień urodzin bądź imienin lub inną tak ważną okazję.
delivery in 2 h


Have you ever wondered what is hidden on the other side of the mirror? Poczta Kwiatowa®, inspired by the land of dreams, has created a special bouquet Jabberwocky

The rich history of tulips

Tulips are usually associated with Netherlands, which is wrong, because they come from central Asia where they occurred as wild flowers. They were popular in Turkey, where they have been chosen as one of the symbols of the country. In the 17th century they reached the Netherlands and have become extremely popular there. People started to compete in cultivation and having the rarest types of them. Prices of the most wanted types were often ten times higher than the annual income of the standard inhabitant.

Tulips today

In our tradition tulips have always been a symbol of spring. They are the most common spring flowers. Poczta Kwiatowa® offers you the largest selection of tulips online.

Reviews see more

Fast and professional delivery. Wide selection of goods and they are exactly as described. They Accept p...
10.11.2022 r. Liam
Beautiful tulips. I love your company
16.09.2022 r. Julija
the best!
16.09.2022 r. Lila
Good :)))
16.09.2022 r. ania