Everlasting roses

New in the offer of Poczta Kwiatowa®! Everlasting roses - the perfect alternative to fresh bouquets. These are live flowers, which thanks to a special preparation maintain their shape, appearance and freshness for at least 2 years! This is a very exquisite gift that will please the eye of the recipient for a very long time!

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Eternal Roses with per...

Poczta Kwiatowa® z wielką starannością przygotowała nowy, ekskluzywny produkt - Wieczna róża z perfumami Reves. Wieczne róże to nic innego jak żywe (ucięte) kwiaty, które zostały poddane specjalnemu procesowi utrwalającemu, dzięki któremu róże zachow...
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Sleeping Beauty

Poczta Kwiatowa® was inspired by the 1959 American animated film based on the French fairy tale of the same name - Sleeping Beauty. The wooden box contains excellent pink Prosecco sparkling wine and beautiful pink everlasting roses wrapped in green mos...
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Women's fragrance

Poczta Kwiatowa® stworzyła nowy, wyjątkowy zestaw prezentowy - Zapach kobiety. W drewnianej skrzyneczce znajduje się doskonałe hiszpańskie czerwone wino, przepiękna czerwona wieczna róże otulone zielonym mchem oraz ekskluzywne perfumy marki Rêves. Wie...
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Eternal pink roses in ...

Poczta Kwiatowa® has carefully prepared a new, exclusive product - Eternal pink roses in a black box. Eternal roses are nothing more than live (cut) flowers that have undergone a special preservation process that allows the roses to retain their shape ...
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Eternal red roses in b...

Poczta Kwiatowa® has carefully prepared a new, exclusive product - Eternal red roses in a black box. Eternal roses are nothing more than live (cut) flowers that have undergone a special preservation process that allows the roses to retain their shape a...
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La belle époque - white

La belle époque was considered a time of upswing, progress and tranquillity, but above all, it was said to be an era of beauty. Poczta Kwiatowa® has created a gift inspired by that beautiful time – La belle époque in the white version that captivates w...
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Beauty and the Beast

Beauty and the Beast is the story of a pretty girl from a small town and a prince who is turned into a monster. This French fairy tale has received many adaptations. Inspired by one of the movies, Poczta Kwiatowa® created a gift with the same name - B...
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Secrets of the Forest

Inspired by the fantasy film, which refers to the many fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm, Poczta Kwiatowa® has created a gift as fantastic as the film of the same name - Secrets of the Forest. The wooden box contains excellent Spanish red wine and beau...
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Eternal red roses in b...

Poczta Kwiatowa® has carefully prepared a new, exclusive product - Eternal red roses in a black box. Eternal roses are nothing more than live (cut) flowers that have undergone a special preservation process that allows the roses to retain their shape a...
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Eternal pink roses in ...

Poczta Kwiatowa® has carefully prepared a new, exclusive product - Eternal pink roses in a white box. Eternal roses are nothing more than live (cut) flowers that have undergone a special preservation process that allows the roses to retain their shape ...

Reviews see more

The eternal rose is an extraordinary gift and the wine is also excellent
16.11.2022 r. Diana