
Be with Your family at Christmas! Poczta Kwiatowa® has gifts, thanks to which You would impress Your friends. Now You can be a messenger of the most beautiful feelings.

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Countryside box

Do you want to give your loved ones something special and original? Poczta Kwiatowa® offers a new set ideal for every occasion - Swojska skrzyna. The recipients will find only Polish products in a wooden box: pork cabbage, pickled cucumbers, marinated ...
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Last Christmas

The Last Christmas gift set is an elegant composition of exquisite flavors that evoke the warmth of holiday memories and bring the atmosphere of family gatherings around the tree. The carefully selected products in this set guarantee unique moments of ...
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Jingle Bell Rock

The Jingle Bell Rock Gift Set is a composition of sophisticated flavors that will put you in a joyful and festive mood. The elegant, carefully selected products in the basket guarantee moments of luxury and pleasure, perfect for celebrating and relaxin...
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Christmas story

The Christmas Story is a set that will transport you into the magical atmosphere of a festive evening, filled with warmth, aromas and sweet pleasures. It's the perfect choice to give your loved ones a moment of relaxation and enjoyment in the festive c...
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Christmas evening

Christmas Eve is an elegant gift set that perfectly matches the unique Christmas moments.
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Full of happiness

Gift basket - Fullness of Happiness is a perfect gift for every occasion. In a stylish, bamboo basket the recipient will find delicacies to suit the most sophisticated tastes. . . Delicious tea, delicate coffee, delicious cakes and chocolate with a pea...
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Christmas aura

Christmas Aura is a gift set that combines subtle elegance with a variety of flavors, enclosed in an elegant box.
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Dubai Chocolate - Chri...

Dubai Chocolate - A Christmas Champagne Set is an elegant gift that combines sophisticated flavours. The combination of luxury and festive charm makes this a gift that will delight any giftee.
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In seventh heaven with...

In seventh heaven with prosecco is a unique gift set that combines subtle elegance with exquisite flavours. Every element of this set has been carefully selected to delight the recipient.
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Blushed one

Nie masz pomysłu na prezent? Chcesz zrobić bliskim niespodziankę? Poczta Kwiatowa® oferuje nowy Koszyk zarumieniony. W wiklinowym koszyku odbiorca znajdzie korzenne ciasteczka, nalewkę babuni, trufle, cukierki o smaku truskawki i śmietanki, czekoladki...
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Golden Christmas

Golden Christmas is an elegant gift set that combines exquisite flavours and festive sparkle to create the perfect gift for a special occasion. Each item has been carefully selected to introduce the mood of joy and warmth that accompanies Christmas.
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Strawberries in chocol...

Strawberries in chocolate with macaroni and wine is a unique set that combines elegance, taste and a romantic atmosphere. Perfect for special occasions such as anniversaries, birthdays or holidays.
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Big Santa's Bag

Worek Mikołaja to wyjątkowy zestaw prezentowy, który wprowadza magię i uroczą atmosferę świąt bezpośrednio do domu. Ten worek jutowy, przypominający worek Mikołaja, kryje w sobie mnóstwo pysznych słodyczy, które doskonale nadają się na podarunek lub ja...
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Christmas Eve Gift

Prezent Wigilijny to kompozycja wyjątkowych smaków, które przeniosą odbiorcę w świąteczny nastrój pełen tradycji i ciepła. W eleganckim koszyku ukryto wyborne smakołyki, które doskonale wprowadzą do domu atmosferę radości i smaku Wigilijnego wieczoru. ...
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Santa's Day gift

Don't have an idea for a gift? Do you want to surprise your loved ones on the occasion of Santa Claus? Poczta Kwiatowa® offers a new gift set - Gift for Mikołajki. In the wicker basket, the recipient will find shortbread cookies, chocolate crayons, dr...
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Christmas dinner

Christmas dinner is an elegant set in a wooden box, perfect for Christmas. This composition of natural flavours and aromas will wash down time over a cup of tea.
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Dubai Chocolate + Gold...

Golden Holidays Dubai Chocolate is a luxury gift set that combines traditional holiday flavors with a touch of exotic sophistication.
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Christmas from Porto

Christmas from Porto is an elegant gift set that combines sophisticated flavours. Enclosed in a black box, it's suitable for a special gift that will charm with its style and product selection.
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Santa's Small Bag

Mały Worek Mikołaja to świąteczny podarunek pełen radości i niespodzianek! Zaskocz swoich najbliższych i podaruj im niezwykły prezent w te Święta Bożego Narodzenia. W kremowym worku odbiorca znajdzie: Świątecznego krasnala - uroczego zielonego kra...
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Christmas dream

The Christmas Dream is a unique gift set enclosed in an elegant black box that will delight any lover of classics and Christmas magic. Minimalist but full of charm, it perfectly enhances the Christmas atmosphere.
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Box Merry Christmas

The Merry Christmas Box is a unique set full of festive treats, enclosed in an elegant wooden box. Perfect for a gift for loved ones that will put them in a joyful mood and allow them to enjoy a moment of pleasure in the festive climate.
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Christmas Wishes

A gift basket for Christmas is an original idea. In addition, we care about your convenience - all you need to do is order via the Internet and we will deliver it to the address you provide.
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A memory of a sunny su...

Summer is probably the most loved of all the seasons. An abundance of colours, flavours and aromas, ripe fruit, sunshine and relaxation in the shade of lush vegetation. We've kept what's most enjoyable about the summer months and created Memories of a ...


Christmas is a beautiful time, when giving takes a deeper meaning.To continuing our tradition which was begun, acording to the legend, by the bishop of Myra, St. Nicholas, we put many gfts under the christmas tree for our loved ones. However, sometimes a distance does not allow us to give a present personally. Poczta Kwiatowa® personate in the role of kindly old man with long white beard, dressed in red long coat. We deliver presents on the whole world.


Presents from our offer will satisfy every customer, no mater for the age! Mascots, jewellery, sweets, or maybe something to drink? Everything beautifully packaged in the original basket or elegant box. Say "Merry Christmas" with Poczta Kwiatowa®, send happiness to your loved ones and be with them, no matter for a distance.

Reviews see more

Perfect set for parents
30.11.2022 r. Noemi
Very very nice lady, who delivered the parcel :)
25.11.2022 r. Bob
Thank you They are beautiful. The Ambassador was very very happy
25.11.2022 r. Lauren
Very professionally handled delivery, elegant and friendly service. I recommend!!!
25.11.2022 r. Anna